100 gecs - Dumbest Girl Alive Text

Songtext zu Dumbest Girl Alive


If you think I'm stupid now, you should see me when I'm high
And I'm smarter than I look, I'm the dumbest girl alive
I took ten Advils today, I've got bruises on my thighs
Plus I gave away my brain, I'm the dumbest girl alive
I've got lightning in my veins, walk around like Frankenstein
I did science on my face, I'm the dumbest girl alive
Never ask me what I think, don't know why you even try
'Cause I'll always get it wrong, I'm the dumbest girl alive
Money comin' from my mouth, money comin' from my eyes

And I keep on losing count, I'm the dumbest girl alive
And I'm picking up the pacе, I'm so happy, I could die
Put emojis on my grave, I'm thе dumbest girl alive
And I feel so dangerous when you say I'm doin' fine now
Guess that's how it goes, I'm the dumbest girl alive
Texts, texts, texts, texts, like you're tryna start a fight
Yeah, I'll fuckin' text you back, I'm the dumbest girl alive

Why you wanna pout?
Is there something in your eye?
Can you show me how?
Can you show me how to cry?

100 gecs - Dumbest Girl Alive Songtext

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100 gecs Dumbest Girl Alive Letra de Dumbest Girl Alive com 100 gecs
Album: 10,000 gecs (2023)

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