100 gecs - Billy Knows Jamie Text

Songtext zu Billy Knows Jamie

[Intro: Dylan Brady]
Billy knows Jamie, Jamie got a gun
Jamie gonna kill me, think I need to run
Jamie goin' loco, Jamie off the juice
Jamie kinda scary when he lookin' at you

[Chorus: Dylan Brady]
Billy knows Jamie, Jamie got a gun
Jamie gonna kill me, think I need to run
Jamie goin' loco, Jamie off the juice
Jamie kinda scary when he lookin' at you

Billy knows Jamie, Jamie got a gun
Jamie gonna kill me, think I need to run
Jamie goin' loco, Jamie off the juice
Jamie kinda scary when he lookin' at you

[Verse: Laura Les]
Uhh, uhh
Billy knows Jamie, Jamie looks pissed (Uhh)
Jamie smokes rocks until he gets sick (Uhh)
Jamie sweating bullets (Uhh)
Looking in your room
Jamie doesn’t sing
And let the speakers go boom
Everybody shot ends up in a mop (Uhh)
Jamies gonna turn you to a bucket of slop (Uhh)
Yeah it’s a damn shame to lag waste to a brain (Uhh)
Throw it in the trash or wash it down the drain (Uhh)
Jamies gonna make your ass one with the earth (Uhh)
But first he’s gonna make your ass one with the hurt (Uhh)

Bullets in the air turning people into dirt
Pissing on your grave because you got blood on his shirt

[Chorus: Dylan Brady]
Billy knows Jamie, Jamie got a gun
Jamie gonna kill me, think I need to run
Jamie goin' loco, Jamie off the juice
Jamie kinda scary when he lookin' at you

[Bridge: Laura Les & Dylan Brady]
(Oh, oh hey, oh, yeah- no, oh my God, no Jamie, no, he's a totally chill guy, like you know [?])
When he gets that look in his eye, you don't know what he'll do
When he gets that look in his eye, you don't know what he'll-
Billy knows Jamie
Jamie looks pissed
Jamie smokes rocks until he gets sick
Jamie is on the train
Looking in your room
Jamie does it shaky
Let the speakers go boom
He was chilling what the fuck

[Outro: Laura Les]
Hey man, can we work this out man?
Can we just please work this out man?
I really- I mean
Like, seriously dude
Like it's okay
Like totally
You don't have to do this man
Please you’re chilling dude
All I hear is boom boom boom boom boom

(Interlude annotations from live version that need to be deleted)
Poked out
But nobody knows 'cause he never blinks

100 gecs - Billy Knows Jamie Songtext

zu Billy Knows Jamie von 100 gecs - Billy Knows Jamie Lyrics 100 gecs - Billy Knows Jamie Text Billy Knows Jamie 100 gecs Billy Knows Jamie Liedtext
100 gecs Billy Knows Jamie Letra de Billy Knows Jamie com 100 gecs
Album: 10,000 gecs (2023)

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